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Showing posts from September, 2017

Property Transfer via Donation or Extrajudicial Settlement

I am currently working on two property transfers: one through a Deed of Donation, while the other is through an Extrajudicial Settlement. Which one would I recommend to an inquiring client? Undoubtedly, my answer would be through a Deed of Donation. And there are two excellent reasons why: Zonal Value vs. Market Value The basis for the computation of the donation tax to be imposed by the BIR will be based on the zonal value of the property, unlike, estate taxes, which are computed using the current fair market value of the property listed in the extrajudicial settlement. In general, zonal values are always lower than market values, hence, lower taxes.

Registry of Deeds Pasig Operating Hours 8am to 5pm

Despite the implementation of the new operating hours of Pasig City Hall to 9am-6pm, the Registry of Deeds of Pasig retains the same hours of 8am-5pm . A notice within the Register of Deeds explains why. In as much as the RD Pasig supports the City of Pasig's main thrust to alleviate the burden of the transacting public and the latter's employees, caused by traffic woes, by utilizing the flexible working hours, this registry cannot do the same, as its attendance and working module are strictly governed by LRA's synchronized computerization scheme. (Personally, I have never tried to see whether the security officers will allow entry into Pasig City Hall between 8-9am. I usually arrive after 9am to be sure.)